The temperature has dipped in the hollow. Snow has invaded, and with snow comes snowballs! These calamitous tools of childlike whimsy will rain chaos as enemies and allies alike fly across the battlefield—or lie crushed beneath a pile of frosty destruction. Be wary, Heroes . . . winter has come to the Nexus!


  • Snowballs
    • Pick from one of three randomly selected Heroes before entering the Cursed Hollow. Be quick about it though, you only have 30 seconds to choose!
    • Two types of Snowball items will appear on the ground throughout the match
      • Fluffy Snowball
        • A speedy snowball that hits a single enemy Hero in a line skill-shot while ignoring Minions and Structures
        • Knocks targets back and deals significant damage
      • Heavy Snowball
        • An area-targeted explosion of snow that deals extra damage to non-Heroic targets
        • Adds a 60% slow to all damaged targets that decays over 2 seconds
      • Throw Snowball ability will appear next to your ability bar when you are holding a Snowball (Default Hotkey: F)
      • Heroes can walk over Snowballs to pick them up and can only hold one Snowball at a time
  • Tribute Spawns
    • When the first tribute phase arrives, two tributes will initially spawn together - one five seconds after the other.
    • When a player picks up a tribute, a new one will spawn somewhere else after a 5 second delay, meaning there will generally be two tributes alive.
    • This type of "rolling" tribute spawning continues until either team is cursed.
    • Tributes do not spawn during a curse or for 60 seconds after a curse.
    • The event will never spawn enough tributes to allow both teams to get cursed at the same time.
  • Destroy the enemy team’s Core to win the match!


Complete three matches of Snow Brawl to earn 1,000 Gold and the following portrait:
Find out more about the new Heroes Brawl game mode on our Brawl site; and as always, you can find more information on this week’s Brawl by clicking the Brawl Info button at the bottom of the play screen when preparing to queue for this exciting new game mode.
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About İsmail Abi

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